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Showing posts from May, 2015

An introduction

Any time I tried to start a diary, I would immediately relinquish all the vital details of my current life. "Dear Diary, my name is Sophie Wallerstedt. I am 11 years old and in the fifth grade. I live in Louisburg, KS with my mom and dad, my sister Jane and my brother Max, and five cats, a dog..." I never got very far. I ended up boring myself with my own mundane details, and as a result I have multiple journals tucked away in various boxes and bookcases, only the first few pages used. But blogs could be different, right? This trip is going to be long, and I want to keep track of it, but I'm horrible with writing things down long term (unless it's MyFitnessPal - I have 2014 in my back pocket). So every time I told someone about my big trip, I also said, "you can follow me on my blog!" The more I said it, the more I believed it. Accountability, friends. That's what you're here for. Hopefully you'll also be entertained. ...