A second chance at vegan farm life in Bulgaria, plus another curry recipe and some decent ruin porn from Bulgaria's Communist HQ
When I left Rodo’s farm in Hotnitsa last November, I had no planned intention to return, just with the way things were going in my travels. My first experience was pretty great- I was cooking for myself, the first time I had been able to since I started my journey, I had a lot of down time to think and work out some life decisions, and I found wonderful friends amongst the ex-pats that settled in the village. However, I can’t say I was exorbitantly happy at the time, despite all the benefits of being in the village. It was cold and rainy, which meant I cooped myself up inside when I wasn’t working. I didn't really have any incentive to get out of the volunteer house, nor did I make any. I was the only volunteer so I spent a lot of time by myself. Despite all that, though, I overall had a positive experience, especially near the end when I was spending more time with other ex-pats. You can read my initial post about my Hotnitsa farm experience here . Teaser of what's to co...