Sorry for the absence, I've been in Counselor Mode. Here are some beautiful pictures and a life update to make up for it.
Dear friends, It's been a long while since I've posted anything, mainly because there hasn't been enough time in the days to think about anything more than camp. This year I returned to American Village in the role of Head Language Counselor (technically Assistant Director, but since I don't have the French Diplome I can't be called that). I was sent back to Saut du Loup for a month, and have since transferred to Aurabelle, a beautiful site in Provence. I'll give you a small recap of my last seven weeks, and then a big update on what's coming up next for me. Being back at Saut du Loup was almost surreal, as when I had left the place last August I was certain I would never see it again. But, as luck would have it, I was assigned there to help the new team get used to the site and activities. It was a lot of fun- we had many counselors who were working at AmVil for the first time, so it was an exciting process to introduce them to the crazy culture of bein...