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Showing posts from September, 2017

Jumping ahead: 52 hours in Minsk, Belarus, and back at that solo traveler life.

I’m skipping ahead on my blog posts to cover my two days in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. It was a short but impactful visit, and I hope to someday spend more time in the rest of the country. Why Belarus? I had a vague idea to travel there in 2015/16, but upon further investigation I figured out that the visa process would have been impossible since I was already abroad, and I nixed my plan. When Scott and I booked our flights to the Baltics, and since Belarus is so close to Lithuania, I figured I would bop over there for a couple of days to see Minsk, and then fly home. My endless fascination with post-Soviet countries fed into this desire, as well. A mix of the old and new in Minsk We booked our initial flights in January, and eventually I started trying to figure out how to get this visa. Turns out, in February Belarus changed their tourist visa options, and if you visit for less than five days you can enter free ! Score. I had also planned on taking the...