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It's Saturday morning, and I'm eating a BLT. I must be in heaven.

Yesterday was our last day with the kids. We had the traditional "American brunch" in the morning, and the kitchen staff gave us the leftover bacon with the rest of our dinner supplies. We were planning a barbeque, so they gave us hamburger, sausage, tabouleh, cantaloupe, lettuce, tomato, and a ton of grated carrots. Kind of a random feast, but we ran with it.

I was not on convoyage this time, so after the kids left yesterday I helped clean and prep for next session's crop, which is coming on Tuesday. We have a few days to relax, which is why I'm eating breakfast at 11am.

Everyone else is still asleep. The kitchen delivered fresh baguette around 7:30am, as they do every morning, so I tore off a piece and added some leftover lettuce and tomato, plus a smear of dijon mustard. I microwaved two pieces of bacon until they were sizzly and brown around the edges and stuffed them into the baguette. With a couple of slices of cantaloupe and a bowl of coffee, it was easily the best breakfast I've had in a long time. Usually it's a bowl of overly watery milky oatmeal with cut up fruit, a piece of baguette or melba toast, and a cup of coffee. Sometimes I spring for the corn flakes they set out for the campers every morning. Today was a much-needed exception.

This session went by much quicker than the last. I supposed the more you get used to something the less time it seems to take, especially when you know what to expect.

My first day off I took a looooong hike through the countryside, for about three hours. I documented a lot of it on Instagram, but said I would post a few pictures here, so here you go:

My second day off this session fell on a rainy day, quite uncharacteristic of the weather we've been having. I spent most of my time lounging in my tent, and went into town that evening for Chinese food, which wasn't bad, considering how small the town is.

I've also been reading a TON. It's something I've started doing before I go to sleep and before I hit up breakfast in the morning. I have Kindle Unlimited, so I've been digging through their offerings for classics and old favorites. I've been reading a lot of dystopian novels (1984, Animal Farm, The Giver, the Handmaid's Tale) as well as Slaughterhouse-Five. I started the Life of Pi this morning. It feels good to be reading so much again. I never set aside the time for it during college, as I was doing plenty of other reading, and after college I felt like I had better things to do. But it's been a nice way to relax during the craziness of camp life.

Since we have a few extra days before the kids come, tomorrow evening Bubbles and I are taking the train to Bordeaux. We're spending the night in an Airbnb before checking out the city the next day. We'll take the train back Monday night. More about this adventure later!



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