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Three weeks left in Minneapolis, and I'm buying chocolate pudding.

This time next week I'll have my first campsite assignment for American Village. No expectations here- I think anywhere in France will do just fine :)

I have a little less than two weeks left working for the City of Minneapolis. After that, I'll spend a week tying up loose ends in MN before driving down to Kansas to visit my family. My dad is retiring this month, so we're throwing a big party. Looking forward to cooking with my mom!

My parents and I will drive back to Minneapolis together a week later to move everything out of my room. Hoping to take them to the Surly Tap Room one night- perhaps one last burger before I fly out?

I have a small bucket list before I leave Minneapolis for the summer:

Glorious migas!
- ride the streetcar from Lake Calhoun to Lake Harriet (this one has been on my list for 4 years, never seem to get around to it)

- run along the Ft. Snelling State Trail

- hit up Al's Breakfast one more time

- go to Marvel Bar (never been!)

- hike in Theo Wirth Park

- eat one last plate of migas at Hard Times Cafe

Seems doable, right?

I finished up another bucket list item earlier this week- visit a typical grocery store, peruse its aisles, and pick up anything I thought I might need to eat one last time before I jet off to Europe.

It boiled down to a box of chocolate Jell-O pudding and a box of Cheerios. Apparently I'm easy to please, or I've crossed (most) processed food of the list for so long that I didn't feel the need to revisit my entire childhood/college years. Those cosmic brownies did look tempting though.

My friend Jonathan later pointed out to me that I can get pretty much any foodstuff I want in France (they have American food sections in grocery stores!). True, however, I have a feeling I'm not going to want to eat fat-free, sugar free-chocolate pudding when I'm constantly surrounded by fresh, crusty bread, fresh fruit and pungent cheeses. But time will tell!

Which leads me to a few "audience participation" questions- we're going to try this out:

1. Do you have a Twin Cities bucket list? What's on it?

2. If you were leaving the country for an unforeseen period of time, what would you buy at Cub Foods as a last hurrah?



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